Fast and Slow

Contributor: Marlene Vogel. Lesson ID: 10720

How fast can you move slowly? What? That doesn't make sense? Watch some fun videos, make a chart, watch for aliens, and get ready to dance so you can show them the difference between fast and slow!



learning style
Auditory, Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Can you use your body to show the difference between fast and slow?

Choose a video from the list below and see if you can follow along!

Kindergarten – Move Fast, Move Slow:

Image - Video


Grade 1 – Song About Slow, Song About Fast - Something Special - Hap Palmer:

Image - Video


Grade 2 – Responding through Moving - A Fast and Slow Song:

Image - Video

Do you know the difference between fast and slow?

If aliens landed in your classroom, could you explain fast and slow to them? Below are some activities for you to try that will help you see if you really understand the difference between fast and slow.

Fast and slow chart

For this activity, you will need a large piece of paper or poster board, scissors, glue, ruler, markers, and old books or magazines that you can use to cut out pictures.

First, you need to prepare your chart.

  • Lay your large piece of paper or poster board on the table.
  • Use your ruler and markers to make two columns on the paper or poster board. One column will be for fast objects and one will be for slow objects (See picture below):

As you can see in the picture above, you will need to give each column a title.

  • One column will have the heading "Fast" and the other column will have the heading "Slow."

Don't forget, you still have to show that you could explain the ideas of fast and slow to aliens if they showed up in your classroom. One great way to be able to do that is through pictures.

  • Beside each of the words in the headings, either glue or draw a picture of something that is fast and something that is slow.
  • Try to keep the pictures in the same category. (Ex. Fast and slow animals, fast and slow vehicles, etc.) See picture below:

The final step in this activity is to find pictures of items that move fast and items that move slow in your book or magazine, cut them out, and glue them into the correct column. Your teacher will check your work to make sure it is correct.

  • Option 1: Draw pictures instead of cutting them out of magazines.
  • Option 2: Pair up fast and slow objects by categories
  • Option 3: Find pictures that relate to a topic you are studying in another content area, such as science or social studies.

Once you have completed this activity, let it dry and hang it on the wall in your classroom as a reminder for yourself and a teaching tool for the aliens!

In the next section of this lesson, you will get the opportunity to practice fast and slow with music!

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