Contributor: Danielle Childers. Lesson ID: 10055
Did you know the earth has a rhythm or routine? Practice the months of the year and the days of the week to see that the earth has a beautiful yearly routine, and so do you!
Maybe it is getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, or combing your hair. Or maybe you have a bedtime routine, like putting on your PJs, brushing your teeth, and reading a book.
Routines are something you do over and over.
Every year goes through 12 months.
We keep track of the year on a calendar, like the ones shown below.
Singing the song in the video below will help you remember them.
Each month is divided into weeks, and each week has seven days. Each day has a name.
Have fun singing about the days of the week with the video below.
Once you catch your breath, continue to the Got It? section to draw and color some routines!