Go Team!

Contributor: Suzanne Riordan. Lesson ID: 13944

In team sports, it's us against them. In individual sports, it's me against you. Pronouns help us identify who's playing, who threw the ball to whom, and who won the game.



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Let Schoolhouse Rock school you on pronouns!

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Pronouns make our lives easier!

In this lesson, you will look at three ways pronouns are used in sentences.

First, quickly review subjects and objects because you'll learn how pronouns can be both subjects and objects of a sentence.

Subjects and Objects

Look to the sport of golf for some examples.


Our friend, Dan, is a professional golfer.

Dan picks up his golf club.

In this sentence, Dan is the subject because he's the one doing the action. The club is the object because it's the thing to which the action is done (he picks it up).

Dan swings the club and hits the ball.

Again, Dan is the subject. In this sentence, however, he does two different actions to two objects. He both swings and hits.

  • What does he swing?

He swings the club.

  • What does he hit?

He hits the ball.

So both club and ball are the objects.

Whenever you're asked to find subjects, ask yourself this question.

  • Who or what is doing the action?

Whenever you're asked to find objects, ask yourself this question.

  • Who or what is acted upon?

Now, onto the pronouns!

Subjective Pronouns

You can probably guess that subjective pronouns are the pronouns that are the subject of the sentence.

Let's say that Dan has a brother named Stan, who is into auto racing.

auto racer

Stan drives a Formula One race car.

Of course, Stan is the subject of this sentence.

He drives a black car with red and white highlights.

When we replace Stan with the pronoun He. He becomes the subject, also called the subjective pronoun.

  • The black car passes the other cars.
  • It is the fastest car on the track.
  • What is the subject of the first sentence?

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  • What is the subjective pronoun of the second sentence?

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These are the subjective pronouns.

  • I
  • we
  • you
  • he
  • she
  • it
  • they

Objective Pronouns

Since subjective pronouns are the subject of a sentence, you can probably guess what objective pronouns are!

Yes, they are the objects of the sentence.

Our friend Sasha plays basketball.

basketball player

  • Sasha dribbles the ball up the court.
  • She shoots it into the basket.
  • What is the object of the first sentence?
  • What does she dribble?

The ball. Ball is the object.

  • What is the objective pronoun in the second sentence?
  • What does she shoot?

It, meaning the basketball. So it is the objective pronoun.

These are the objective pronouns.

  • me
  • us
  • you
  • him
  • her
  • it
  • them

Look at some more examples.

  • Sasha played one-on-one with her friend, Kelly.
  • Sasha ran past her and went straight to the basket.
  • What is her in the second sentence?

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  • What does it stand for?

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  • Sasha's parents came to the game.
  • Sasha saw them in the stands.
  • What is them in the second sentence?

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  • What does it stand for?

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Sasha's sister, Natasha, plays tennis.

tennis player

  • Whose sister is she?

She is the sister of Sasha. Sasha's is a possessive noun.

Her sister practices tennis every day.

Here, we've replaced Sasha's with her, so we know that her is a possessive pronoun.

We can replace possessive nouns with possessive pronouns.

  Dan's golf club... His golf club...
  Stan's race car... His race car...
  Stan and Dan's father... Their father...


These are the possessive pronouns.

  • my
  • our
  • your
  • his
  • her
  • its
  • their
  • Are you ready to practice with subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns?

Go to the Got It? section!

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