Contributor: Gloria Monahan. Lesson ID: 13036
What is respect? You have surely heard this word and probably been told to show respect! But it is so much easier to show respect when you know how it feels. Find the secret to understanding RESPECT.
You have probably been told to...
The list of people and things you are taught to respect can be long!
Respect is not only about a list of Dos and Don'ts; it can start in your heart!
Sometimes, you will need reminders to show respect; however, as you truly understand respect, you will begin to live it in your own life.
Respect will come more easily to you when you know how it feels, and then you can recognize the difference it can make for yourself and others.
A little respect can go a long way.
As you begin to think about that, watch the two videos below before completing a fun activity with the word RESPECT.
Start with a fun song as you explore what respect means.
Now, watch this next video to understand what respect means in your life and interactions with others!
You probably noticed that respect often lists rules and things you should do or say.
A great way to recognize how to respect others is by recognizing what makes you feel respected! Explore the meaning of respect by digging deeper to understand what makes you feel respected.
First, complete the Word Fun: RESPECT worksheet, found under Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar, to think about the different things that mean respect to you.
Then, answer the questions below.
Now that you recognize the meaning and feeling of respect, you are ready to move on to the Got It? section.