Dance Around the World

Contributor: Renae Green. Lesson ID: 12974

Have you ever listened to music and just had to move to it? People all around the world express themselves through dance. Have fun learning about, joining, and making your own dances!


Musical Arts, World Cultures

Fine Arts
learning style
Auditory, Kinesthetic
personality style
Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Q: There was a boy named Square. What do you think his dance was called?

A: A square dance!

  • What would your dance be called?

People around the world dance in many different ways and listen to many different types of music. This is going to be more fun than a dancing giraffe! (Go ahead, read on!)

  • Have you ever noticed that people in different places or circumstances often listen to different types of music?

Music provides a way for us to express our emotions, our values, and even our preferences.

  • Can you think of a song that your parents love but you do not enjoy?

There are probably songs that you love, but your parents do not like.

  • Why do you think you have such different preferences?
  • Is it the sound of the music or the lyrics? Or is it both?
  • Do you enjoy different types of music depending on how you feel?

We may listen to soothing music, like classical music, to help us relax or fall asleep. We may listen to pop or rock 'n' roll music to feel energized or excited. People often express these different ideas and feelings through dancing.

The types of dances and musical instruments often change from place to place. Irish dancers, like those pictured below, dance jigs, while Native American dancers perform the Jingle Dance.

irish dancers

Below is a video that shows ten traditional dances from around the world. Feel free to dance with the people in the video as you watch. Think about the following questions.

  • What are some instruments that are used?
  • Which dancer (from what country) uses only his body to make music?
  • How do the costumes complement the music and dances?
  • Does hearing the music and watching the dances tell you something about each culture?

  • What was your favorite dance and music? Why?

Continue to the Got It? section to hear a funny story about a giraffe who can’t dance!

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