Contributor: Roxann Penny. Lesson ID: 12760
What do you think about when you see the color green? A healthy planet with clean air, water, and soil. Discover ways to keep the earth green!
Take a look at the choices below.
Explore this lesson to find out if you made the right choice and to learn what it means to Go Green!
Although the expression Go Green may sound like a cheer at a football game, it simply means doing things that are not harmful to the environment.
Write down some of your ideas.
Watch the video below to see what others think and compare their ideas to yours!
Now that you have more information about Going Green, explore why going green matters. Reflect on the following questions and write down your answers.
Compare your answers to the ones provided below.
Next, watch another video to explore the harmful effects of not recycling plastics and why going green helps to preserve everything from the oceans to our health.
Disposable products have become integral to daily life, and going green may seem daunting. Plastic is just one material that can be harmful to the environment. Other substances can be just as harmful, if not more.
Thankfully, green methods such as recycling provide a safe way of managing and minimizing the harmful effects of waste on the environment.
Before continuing this lesson, consider how much stuff you threw away today and how much you conserved or reused.
When you are ready, explore the Got It? section to test your green knowledge.