Contributor: Kaitlyn Zimmerman. Lesson ID: 12690
When it's dark and you need to see, you flip (or turn or push) a switch and bink! -- a light goes on! How does power get to that light? Learn about electric circuits and switches!
Question: How did Benjamin Franklin feel after discovering electricity?
Not sure of the answer? Keep reading to find out!
If so, go ahead and walk over to it. Now, flip the lights on, then off. Notice that the light switch only allows the lights to be either on or off. (If you have a dimmer switch, you can still notice that the light is either on or off.)
Join Dr. Z to learn more about electricity and circuits!
Electricity is used constantly in our daily lives, and all electric-powered tools and toys and other things rely on circuits.
Both the paperclip and the fasteners are good conductors of electricity, therefore allowing the light to turn on when they are touching. But when they are not touching, the circuit is broken and the light goes out.
This type of circuit is similar to a switch — think of it as a light switch that turns the lights on and off.
Move on to the Got It? section for more experiments (and the answer to the joke)!