Hop Right On! Using the Spring Scale

Contributor: Kaitlyn Zimmerman. Lesson ID: 12683

Your doctor may have said to hop on the scale to measure your weight. What if you were to hop on your handmade spring scale? Crunch! Big scales measure big things and small scales measure small stuff!


Scientific Method

learning style
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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A scale measures your weight and can determine that you weigh more than a newborn baby, but that you do NOT weigh as much as a full-grown elephant!

  • Have you ever thought about how something small like a paperclip's or a penny's weight is measured?

In the previous Weights and Volume lessons, you were shown how to create a spring scale and calibrate it to weigh objects in grams.

There are some objects that we can find, both inside and outside of our homes, that are so light in weight that they seem impossible to weigh!

  • What if the impossible could happen and you COULD measure the weight of the lightest objects?
  • Wouldn’t that be, as Dr. Z would say, crazy?
  • Why don’t we put our scales to use?

Let’s see what Dr. Z has in store (actually, in the lab!) for us today!

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  • What did you learn?

Discuss the video with your parent or teacher so you are ready to move on to the Got It? section to see how measurement of weight is helpful in other ways.

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