Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 12663
Before text messaging and email, it could take days, weeks, even months for mail to travel! Talk about snail mail! Railroads made travel for mail and people much faster, and helped the country grow!
The railroad is an important part of U.S. history.
Before the railroad, it was difficult for people to travel and move west. It would take a family two to three months to travel west by wagon.
The journey by wagon was also dangerous and many people died from disease, drowning in rivers, and attacks by wild animals.
The railroad made it much easier and safer for people to move and travel west. Whereas it had previously taken several months for people to travel west, the railroad allowed people to make the journey in about five to seven days.
Since the travel time was much shorter and people were not exposed to the elements while riding on a train, few deaths occurred as people made their way westward.
Check out the timeline below to learn more about the history of the railroad in the United States:
As you can see, the railroad played an important part in the growth of the United States in the 1800s.
Use the timeline to help you answer the following questions. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper:
When you are finished writing your answers, consider the following bonus question:
If you have ever ridden on a train, think about what that experience was like. If you are able to do so, discuss traveling by train with someone who has also ridden on a train.
When you are ready, move on to the Got It? section to learn more about railroads.