Contributor: Kaitlyn Zimmerman. Lesson ID: 12517
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your knowledge of acids and bases? Maybe you would like to remain "neutral" and not answer! Take a "balanced" look at mixing acids and bases and what results!
If you've made it through the previous Acids and Bases lessons, you've seen pennies, litmus paper, lemonade, vinegar, and red cabbage juice.
Surprisingly, a lot! When you use a scale like this, you can put items on each side that balance each other out. Solutions can also be balanced, so that they are neither acids nor bases. We call these solutions neutral.
Pause for a moment; if you've need to bone up on the previous Acids and Bases lessons, you can find them in the Related Lessons in the right-hand sidebar.
If so, you are one step ahead of the game already! But if not, don’t worry about it, because we can ask Dr. Z to explain how this is possible! Take a look!
If you did not know what it means to "make a substance neutral" before watching this video, hopefully you do now!
When you're ready, move on to the Got It? page, where you'll review what you've learned and do your own experiment!