Playing with Magnets!

Contributor: Kaitlyn Zimmerman. Lesson ID: 12472

Are you attracted to the idea of playing with magnets? They are all around, can do lots of work, and are fun to play with! Join Dr. Z in his lab for some fun at the north and south poles!


Physical Science

learning style
personality style
Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2), Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

Audio: Image - Button Play
Image - Lession Started Image - Button Start
  • What’s a magnet's favorite sport?

In order to find the answer, just keep on reading!

Magnets are EVERYWHERE!

Just take a look around your house! You can find magnets in just about any room of your house.

  • You most likely have played with magnets, and know that they can attract and repel certain metals and other magnets, but have you ever wondered exactly why they are able to do this?
  • What is it that makes magnets so special?

These are some really interesting questions, so let's hand this over to Dr. Z to see how he can help us get a better understanding of the subject of magnets:

Image - Video


Continue on to the Got It? section for some more attractive information about magnets!

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