Narrative Writing: Essay

Contributor: Delaine Thomas. Lesson ID: 12315

Wow! That was the coolest time of my life! I can't wait to share it with my friends! How am I going to get them to say, "Wow!"? Learn how to write (and even publish!) a great story! Are you excited?



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Do you like adventure stories?
  • What makes them exciting?
  • What exciting event happened in your life?
  • Why not write your own adventure story and share the excitement with others?

We all have had experiences that we would describe as unforgettable.

Some of these experiences may be happy ones, and some may be sad or even a little scary. You can write about these experiences in a personal narrative.

A personal narrative is a true story about your life.

It is told from your point of view, called first-person point of view, using the words I, me, my, and mine to relate your experience with others.

Before you start writing your rough draft, you need to complete a prewriting activity and brainstorm your topic.

  • What unforgettable experience that has happened to you would you like to write about?

Take out a piece of paper and a pencil and follow these steps.

  1. Set a timer for three minutes.
  1. List every unforgettable experience that you can think of.
  1. When the timer goes off, stop.
  1. Look over your list.
  • Which experience do you feel comfortable sharing with others?
  • Which would be enough information to write in an essay?

Remember, when you write an essay, it will be at least four to five paragraphs long.

When you have chosen your topic, share your story with someone to see if they think it will be long enough for the essay.

Now that you have selected your unforgettable experience for your essay, work on your rough draft.

  1. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil.
  1. Write down the important things you must include in your draft while watching the video below.
  Image - Video


When you write a personal narrative, you want to make sure that you include the following.

  important events
  • What important things happened?

If it is not important, do not include it in your narrative.

  transition words

Words like first, next, then, last, and finally are a few examples.


Use descriptive words and sentences.


Help your reader learn more about you and the other characters in your story.

  1. Now, draw some boxes on your paper, like in the video, to map out your story.
  1. Draw the important events that happened in your experience in each of the boxes. If you need more than four boxes, add them.
  1. Underneath each box, write brief notes that explain what is happening in your narrative.
  1. Above each box, write the transition word you will use for that scene.
  1. If the characters are speaking, you might also want to include dialogue.

Using the boxes and notes, write your rough draft.

  1. Start by first writing your beginning, middle, and ending paragraphs.
  1. Then, go back and write your introduction paragraph; this will tell the readers what you plan to explain.
  1. Then, write your conclusion paragraph, where you will explain the meaning or topic.

When you complete writing your rough draft, move on to the Got It? section.

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