Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 12241
The American Revolution was unusual in that it involved several countries but was mainly fought in the United States. The locations of the battles helped determine the outcome. What states saw action?
Which U.S. state do you think was home to the most battles during the Revolutionary War?
Image in the Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
A battle is an armed conflict fought between opposing sides at a specific location.
Throughout a war, many battles are fought at different times and in different locations. A war ends when one side is no longer able to continue fighting in battles because they have lost too many resources or troops. The Revolutionary War is unique because it is the only global war that was fought entirely on North American soil. In this lesson, you will learn where the different battles of the Revolutionary War were fought.
For this activity, you will keep track of where each battle of the Revolutionary War was fought. Remember, the United States only consisted of 13 states during the war.
Hold on to the list you created. You will use it to help you graph your findings in the Got It? section.