The Great Gatsby: Chapter 7

Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 12039

Have you heard the phrase, "skeletons in the closet"? Or, "Your past will come back to haunt you"? Our decisions and actions can mess up our lives and relationships in the future — Just ask Gatsby!


Literary Studies

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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"So we drove toward death through the cooling twilight."

  • What do you think Nick Carraway means when he says this?

The tension in The Great Gatsby has been building ever since Gatsby first looked at the green light on Daisy's dock, and in this chapter, the tension finally boils over one hot summer day in 1922.

In this lesson, find out what happens as secrets start be revealed.

  • Can you recall any secrets the characters have?

Make a brief list of as many as you can remember and hold on to it for the remainder of this lesson to see how many answers you discover in Chapter 7.

In Chapter 7, the characters of Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby all develop more fully as they come together for a luncheon on a hot afternoon.

As you read the chapter, take notes on the information that you discover about the backgrounds and personalities of Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby. The background information is the facts and stories from the characters' past, and the personality traits refer to the characters' current actions.

Make a t-chart for each character to help you organize your information, following the example below:

Background Information Personality Traits






Read Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby.

If you do not have a copy of the book, you may use Planet eBook's free version of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

After you have read the chapter and filled out your t-charts for the three characters, continue on to the Got It? section to check your comprehension of your reading and examine the relationships among Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby.

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