Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11936
Eat the cupcakes. Put the ingredients into the oven. Add the flour and eggs. Purchase the right ingredients. Sounds like someone needs to learn how to put things in order! Next, complete this lesson!
Explain to your parent or teacher how Omri handled the cowboy Patrick brought to life. Would you have acted differently from Omri?
In the previous Related Lesson, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned about finding the main idea in a novel.
If you need a refresher for finding the main idea, look back at that lesson. You will continue to look for the main idea in each chapter you read in this lesson.
You are now halfway through reading The Indian in the Cupboard. You have spent time reflecting on the events of each chapter and writing the main idea and events of the chapters.
Share your thoughts with your parent or teacher. As you read, you need to determine the most important events and the order in which they occur. In this lesson, you will focus on sequencing (putting events in order) the main events of the chapter in the order in which the events occur. To determine the major events versus the minor events, think about how the event impacts the story. For example, A major event in The Indian in the Cupboard is when Patrick brings the cowboy and the horse to life. This event impacts future events in the story.
To learn more about sequencing the major events in a novel, watch Introduction to Reading Skills: Identifying Major Events in a Sequence, from McGraw-Hill Education PreK-12:
Think about what you just watched.
Share the transition words with your parent or teacher.
Now that you have explored sequencing events, you will put this skill to use as you read Chapters 9 and 10 in the Got It? section.