Contributor: Samantha Penna. Lesson ID: 11900
Oh dear, you want to express emotion in your writing, but, well, how do you do it? Please, work on this lesson to learn how to use special words to show your feelings! Indeed, you'll become an expert!
Show your parent or teacher how you can express emotion. Now, learn to express your emotions in writing!
That's easy! You can use interjections! Interjections are words used to express emotions.
There are two types of interjections:
You will see examples of mild interjections and strong interjections in this section.
First, you will start with mild interjections. Ask your parent or teacher to help you read the list of mild interjections below:
These interjections can be used to show emotion in sentences. Ask your parent or teacher to help you read the examples below:
Oops, I spilled the milk.
Well, I'd better go home now.
Mild interjections can be used to show normal emotion.
You can use strong interjections to show intense emotion! Ask your parent or teacher to help you read the list of strong interjections below:
Strong interjections can be used to show excitement, anger, happiness, and many other strong emotions. Are you ready to look at examples? Great! Ask your parent or teacher to help you read the examples. Make sure you use facial and voice expression to show something is exciting or scary when you read!
Yikes! There's a mouse in my house!
Wow! I love your painting!
Ouch! I fell off my scooter!
You read examples of mild and strong interjections. With the help of your parent or teacher, make up two example sentences: one that has a mild interjection, and one that has a strong interjection.
After sharing your sentence, move on to the Got It? section to watch an interjections video and explore interjections.