Contributor: Brian Anthony. Lesson ID: 11830
When we think of art, we usually picture pictures, paintings, and sculptures. We may overlook art that we look at every day: typestyles, or fonts. Learn how expressive and artistic letters can be!
What is the coolest font of all? Is it:
Our eyes take in countless letters, words, and sentences per day.
Even for people who do not consider themselves readers, the demands of modern life and the realities of the Internet mean that we are in some ways reading more frequently than ever. Each of the letters our eyes take in is like a tiny work of art. Yes, it's true! There are people who work hard and with great inspiration to create new ways of printing the written word, a form of art known as typography.
These kinds of artists, known as typographers, are the ones who create fonts, the different styles of letters. Most of us know the word "font" from our favorite word processor. It is sometimes fun to play with fonts and discover the many forms our typed words can take!
Let's play with fonts for a bit.
Share your ideas with your parent or teacher, then reflect on the following questions and discuss:
Graphic artists who obsess over creating new fonts, also known as typographers, are continually trying to come up with newer, more innovative ways to express the written word.
In the Got It? section, see how other artists take inspiration from some of those fonts and incorporate them into their artistic designs.