Contributor: Erin Jones. Lesson ID: 11605
Bubbles are fun to watch and play with. Maybe you've even taken a bubble bath. Did you know you could learn to write using bubbles? Learn to teach others how to do what you do best with a how to paper
In this lesson, you are going to learn how to organize your "how to" writing in an effective way, so you can write clear directions for your reader to follow. Are you ready? Let's get started!
Good writers clearly communicate their message to their writers.
An effective way to write clearly is to organize your thoughts before beginning to write.
Graphic organizers are great tools writers use to brainstorm and organize writing. Graphic organizers allow writers to sketch an outline of their writing, organize information, and get a clear picture of what they are going to write BEFORE actual writing takes place.
This is just like going on a trip — you need to know your destination before you plan your route. You might consider various ways to get to the destination, but planning the route will ensure that the trip is perfectly suited for you.
To begin, you will use a bubble map to brainstorm things that you are an expert at doing.
When your Brainstorm Bubble Map is complete, review it with your teacher or parent.
Add more spokes if you need to!
Next, you will write your rough draft of directions to teach others how to complete the task you seleced.
When you are ready, go on to the Go! section to continue preparations.