Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 11391
Do you know letters have different sizes? There are long and short letters! Well, they sound different in different words. Put on your listening ears, watch the videos and practice short vowel sounds!
Listen to your parent or teacher say the word CAT. What sound do you hear in the middle of the word?
You may have said the word "cat" has the short a sound in the middle.
That is correct! In this lesson, you will listen to words and identify the short i and short a vowel sounds in the middle of the word.
Before you begin listening for sounds in words, you will review the sounds of short i and short a. Watch the two videos from Turtle Diary below. Pay close attention to how your mouth is used to make the sounds. This will help you learn to hear the difference between the two sounds:
Phonics - Short /a/ Sound:
Short /i/ Sound - Phonics by TurtleDiary:
Now, look in the mirror and practice making the short i and short a sounds. Show your teacher or parent the difference in how you make the two sounds.
When you have done this, you are ready for more practice.