Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 11317
Sing your way through the five times table! You probably already know how to count by fives, but practice and your homemade flashcards will help you become five times better at multiplication!
5, 10, 15, …
If you can, mastering the five times tables will be easy!
In the previous Related Lesson, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned the two-times tables.
Take a moment to practice what you learned.
If not, review multiples of two before moving forward. It is easiest to learn the times tables when you master one set at a time.
In this lesson, you will master the five-times tables. You may wonder why you are learning the five-times tables next rather than the three-times tables.
Certain times, tables are easier to remember than others. You are learning the easier sets first to make memorizing the more challenging multiplication facts less difficult when you learn them later.
As you saw at the beginning of the lesson, learning the five-times tables is as easy as counting by fives. If you know how to tell time, you already have some experience counting by fives!
Songs have helped many students learn their multiplication facts.
Listen to the song in the video below and try to sing the answers at the end!
Great job singing!
Now, look at the multiplication table below. The five-times tables have been highlighted.
Multiples of five always end in 0 or 5. When multiplying by five, if you get a product that does not end in a 0 or 5, you need to check your work because there is a mistake in your multiplication.
Add this tip to the foldable you started in the last lesson.
Move on to the Got It? section to continue memorizing and solving problems with your five-times tables.