Contributor: Brian Anthony. Lesson ID: 11047
One aspect of work never changes: People complain about it! How HAS work changed in 100 years? Look back and live it, write about it, then think about what might lie ahead, even in your own lifetime!
The people of the 1920s imagined a dark future, like this scene from Fritz Lang's Metropolis Moloch scene rescore, where factories took over the world of work and people became more and more machine-like.
The world of work has changed a lot in the past century. Many jobs people used to do are no longer necessary, and changes in society have likewise created new kinds of work that no one ever imagined before.
This graph, How Work in America Has Changed, from the Demographics Research Group at University of Virginia, shows just how much things have changed.
Discuss your observations with your parents, teachers, or other trusted adults. Kick off the conversation with a simple question:
You may be amazed at their responses!
To get a better idea how work has changed, continue on to the Got It? section to compare work in the early 20th century with work now.