Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 11029
Ever need a friend to help you move something heavy? Why is it easier for two than one? Because Newton said so! Or, at least, he verbalized it in his second law. Accelerate your way through "F=ma"!
Newton's second of law of motion will help you find the answer to this question!
In the previous Related Lesson, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned about Newton's first law of motion.
Summarize this law in your own words.
In this lesson, you will investigate how objects move by studying Newton's second law of motion.
Print the Launcher Energy worksheet found under the Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar.
For this activity, you will construct a launcher and launch several objects to examine the effects of force. Follow the instructions and record your observations on the worksheet before reading on.
You should have made the following observations and conclusions:
The concepts you observed as part of this activity coincide with Newton's second law of motion.
According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration, or speed, of an object is dependent upon the mass of the object and the net force of the object acting upon it.
Learn more about Newton's Second Law of Motion with this video:
Keep learning about Newton's second law of motion by watching the National Science Foundation's video Newton's Second Law of Motion- Science of NFL Football (below). How does Newton's second law of motion relate to football?
Go back to the image of snow at the beginning of the lesson.
After answering, move on to the Got It? section.