Contributor: Rebecca Hann. Lesson ID: 10997
Are their "theres" all there? They're not? Then you need to edit! Misteaks creap into the best writer's werk, and these videos and online quizzes show you how to find and correct those nasty errors!
Persuasive Writing Tip #4: Statistics, facts, quotations from experts, and examples will help you build a strong case for your argument! Guesswork won't make it!
Hello, and welcome back to the series, Persuasive Writing.
As you know from the previous Related Lessons, found in the right-hand sidebar, the purpose of persuasive writing is to convince a reader to agree with you or to accept your recommendation.
The goal of this series of lessons is to create a well-designed piece of persuasive writing. This will be completed in pieces because each lesson will focus on one of the five steps of the writing process.
Remember, it is very important that you keep your writing pieces from one lesson to the next.
OK, let's get started!
In the last lesson, you made some really big changes in your paper to make it better. Today, you will be reviewing your paper again carefully to make sure that it does not have any problems with grammar or spelling. This process is known as editing.
For more information about editing, watch the two videos below:
The Writing Process: Edit from East Tennessee State University:
How to Proofread an Essay for Spelling Grammar from
As you heard in both of these videos, the editing stage should not be started until you are completely satisfied with the content of your paper.
Before moving on, take a minute to re-read your paper now.
If so, do this before going to the Got It? section. If you do not want any more changes, then you are ready to edit!