Prefix: Lesson 4

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 10973

Don't get dis-couraged if you made some mis-takes and had to re-do parts of the previous lessons! More online videos, adding to your charts and cards, and a letter you write, help you learn prefixes!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5), Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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Watch this Vocabulary SpellingCity Learn about Prefixes video (below):

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In the last three Related Lessons, found in the right-hand sidebar, you were introduced to prefixes.

In this lesson, you will explore more prefixes and their meanings.

Watch English Prefixes | English vocabulary lesson, from Crown Acadmy of ENglish, to learn about different prefixes and their meanings. This video will help you understand the meanings of the words based on the prefixes used.

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As you learned, there are many prefixes. They can change the meaning of a word simply by adding them!

Make a list of at least ten of the words with prefixes you learn about for an activity later on in this lesson.

Take a moment to think about the questions below:

  • Do you think learning about prefixes is important or unimportant? 
  • Do you like or dislike learning about prefixes?
  • Do you think understanding prefixes will make your writing engaging or disengaging?

Next, gather the flashcards you made in the previous Related Lessons. You are going to add more prefixes in this lesson!

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