What's in an Image?

Contributor: Rebecca Hann. Lesson ID: 10839

Jenna has braces. Life is hard. What boring sentences. Imagery is used by great writers to let the reader see, hear, feel, smell and taste the scene. Videos, Jeopardy, and excerpts show you the ropes!



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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life is a roller coaster

Jenna's braces

What do these mean?

Author's craft is the ways a writer makes their work engaging to the reader.

This lesson will focus on an element of author's craft that is often used: imagery.

Imagery is language and description that are used to appeal to our five senses. When a writer uses imagery well, a reader can picture exactly what the scenario would look, smell, taste, sound, or feel like.

There are five types of imagery (like the five senses):

  • Auditory: describes what we hear (music, silence, noise)
  • Visual: describes what we see (colors, patterns, size)
  • Tactile: describes what we touch or feel (texture, movement, temperature)
  • Olfactory: describes what we smell (pleasant fragrances or bad odors)
  • Gustatory: describes what we taste (sour, salty, sweet)

Watch the following videos on imagery to get a better idea of how it is used in writing:

What is Imagery? Examples of Imagery From Great Writers

Image - Video


Imagery (Literary Device)

Image - Video


Writing Imagery II YA Ink

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