Contributor: Veronica Barna. Lesson ID: 10618
Would you rather have 4 quarters or 1 dollar bill? If you find 10 dimes and your friend finds 4 quarters, who has more money? These sound tricky, but you'll be "equal" to the task of learning about =!
Look at the coins and bill below. Which would you rather have?
If you did, explain why. Now, what if you saw this:
Most people think that = means the answer, but that's not entirely true. Even though you write the answer after the =, the answer is only correct if it has the same value or means the same thing as what is written on the other side of it.
If you are not completely confused yet, here is an easier way to understand. You see, = doesn't mean the answer. In fact, = is a symbol for the word equal, which means the same. So we call = an equal sign.
Think about some addition facts you may have seen. For example, 1 + 1.
When solving 1 + 1, we could say that we have 2 ones (or more simply, 2). So we can say that we have 2 cupcakes:
Notice that there are 2 cupcakes on both sides of the equal sign. That means that 1 cupcake + 1 cupcake = 2 cupcakes.
Let's investigate
Complete this activity to learn more about the equal sign:
That’s right! The value of a dime is $0.10!
Both groups of coins are worth $0.10. Both groups have the same value and are equal amounts of money. This is what we mean by using the equal sign (=).
The videos in this lesson will show you all about the little guy pictured below, and how he likes everything around him to be the same:
In the first video, you will learn a song about the equal sign. Enjoy the Equal Sign Song, from KinderBlossoms, as you learn!
In this next video, you will learn that the equal sign means “the same.” So, as you watch Joe Merrill's The Equal Sign, remember that equal means the same!
Now, listen to this song by Amanda Ellis: Equal means the same. You probably noticed that there were several pictures of things that were equal, or the same, like the 3 cars, both sides of the equal sign, and the two alligators.
Now, it's your turn to draw an equal equation.
Grab a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and some crayons and get creative. Think of a fun way to show that two things are equal. You can even dress up your equal sign!
Think back to the beginning questions and try another fun activity.
Would you rather have the 4 quarters or the dollar bill?
Both sets of money are the same, or have the same value!
The equal sign means the same or has the same value.
Try it one more way.
Take a blank piece of paper. Choose any color crayon you like and draw 7 circles on one side of the paper. Count the circles to make sure how many you have. On the other side of the paper write the number 7.
Your paper should look like this:
Now, take a sticky note or piece of paper and draw an equal sign on it. Put the equal sign right in the middle of your paper between the circles and the number 7. So now your paper will look like this:
Let’s make a math sentence for the circles and number 7. A set of seven circles is the same as the number 7, or seven circles equals the number 7. That means that the value of the items on the left side of the equal sign is the same or equal to the value of the items on the other side of the equal sign. Both sides have the same value, even though they look different.
Now, move on to the Got It? section to play a card game that equals fun!