Changes in Recording History

Contributor: Hallah Elbeleidy. Lesson ID: 10461

Ever hear the term information overload? Do you wonder what future historians might say about you? Use your own artifacts to learn how history, including your own, is recorded!


learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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You have probably heard of earlier civilizations having an oral tradition or documenting their belief systems through pictograms. These are, arguably, the very first methods of recorded history.

Explore the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics Alphabet to experience how the ancients communicated without modern technology.

Today, we use standardized methods for writing and have access to visual and audio recording devices. Recording history is much easier and more efficient.

  • What would the photos and videos of your life say about you?

History is recorded in three ways.

  1. It is recorded through the written word, e.g., books and manuscripts.
  2. It is recorded through the spoken word. This is known as oral history when something is committed to memory by the experience of an event and passed on.
  3. It is recorded through direct documentation, e.g., video and audio recordings.

How history is recorded throughout humanity has affected what is recorded and how much is recorded. New technologies, like the internet and the smartphone, have allowed everyone with access to these devices to record history.

The drastic changes in how history is recorded happened over a long period. To better understand, explore the resources below.




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