Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 10417
Do you remember an exciting, fun or scary moment in your life? Is it more like a photo or a movie? Using a roller coaster and graphic organizer, learn how to tell your story in a more interesting way!
What do you see in this picture? How would you tell someone about riding one?
Did you think this is a roller coaster?
You were right!
You are going to explore how you can use this picture and idea of a roller coaster to create a whole story about riding a roller coaster! Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee (watch video below) is an example of stretching a memory to create a story.
Before starting this lesson, you may want to begin with or review the previous Related Lessons in our Personal Narrative series, found in the right-hand sidebar.
The Disneyschooling Friends - Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee - Read Aloud from Disneyschooling Friends:
Continue on to the Got It? section to examine what you have just read.