Problems Fictional Characters Face

Contributor: Kim Trexler. Lesson ID: 10360

No one likes conflict, but that's what you need in a story to make it interesting! Learn how to find the conflicts in Dr. Seuss's story about the Zax and in the fairy tale about the famous Cinderella!


Literary Studies

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Otter, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
PreK/K, Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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The Zax

Watch this Dr. Suess story about The Zax (below) to find out who ends up learning to relax! Or not! Find out if the two characters learn to solve their problem or if they need your help!

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At the heart of every great story is a conflict, or problem.

The main character wants something and is prevented from getting it.

An example is when Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her stepmother prevents her from going. The conflict makes the story interesting!

The whole story — and what the main character does — is about solving that problem!

Now, listen to Elements of A Story: Conflict, from Annenberg Learner, to find out what the definition of conflict is in a story. After listening to the explanation, tell your teacher in your own words what a conflict is.

Listen to the Story Time video about Cinderella (below) to discover what problem she faces and how she resolves her problem:

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