Clean Up Your Grammar!

Contributor: Marlene Vogel. Lesson ID: 10310

A messy room looks bad, and messy grammar sounds bad! Using videos, worksheets, and online exercises, learn to clean up your grammar! You will use your skills to create greeting cards to cheer others!



English / Language Arts
learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Skill Sharpener

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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  • Does your mom make you clean your room?

Well, now it is time to clean up your grammar, and this time it's fun! You can exercise your writing skills so your cards and letters won't be sloppy! Now, about that room . . .

As you know, in order to be a good writer, you need to be able to edit your writing pieces.

This is not limited to essays and research papers. Editing skills are important for every type of writing you perform.

This lesson will reinforce the rules for punctuation.

Let's quickly review the rules for editing - it's as easy as C.U.P.S.! Begin the editing process by creating a checklist for each of the following items:

C - Capital Letters

  • Do all of your sentences begin with a capital letter?
  • Are all of your proper nouns capitalized?

U - Understanding

  • Is your message clear?
  • Will your reader be able to understand the point you are making?

P - Punctuation

  • Do all of your sentences end with the correct punctuation?
  • Is the punctuation within your sentences correct?

S- Spelling

  • Is each and every word spelled correctly?
  • Did you use any homophones properly?

Now that you have reviewed the steps to follow when editing, watch the video below to help you better understand why editing is so important.

Image - Video

Now review some punctuation basics!

Image - Video

Hopefully, now you can see just how helpful editing can be!

Complete the quiz below that matches your grade or ability level.

Third Grade: Image - Video

Fourth Grade: Image - Video

Fifth Grade: Image - Video


  • Did you find all of the errors?
  • What do you think would happen if adults and people who wrote books did not edit their work?

Keep it going in the Got It? section.

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