Never need a calculator again when you master these operations and become your very own Captain Calculator!
Jumpstart The Number System: Apply And Extend Previous Understandings Of Operations With Fractions To Add, Subtract, Multiply, And Divide Rational Numbers
CCSS 7.NS.1.a-d; 7.NS.2.a-d; 7.NS.3
Resource | Subject | |
1 | Opposites on a Number Line | Math |
2 | Number Lines: Operations and Comparing Integers | Math |
3 | Operation Review: Amazing Addition | Math |
4 | Operation Review: Simple Subtraction Rule | Math |
5 | Operation Review: Mastering Multiplication | Math |
6 | Product of ''Whole Number'' and Fraction | Math |
7 | Operation Review: Dominating Division | Math |
8 | Converting Fractions to Decimals and Percentages | Math |
9 | Puzzling Percent: Word Problems! | Math |
10 | Sales Tax and Change Back | Math |